
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A long day at the hospital

Amy was scheduled for an MRI today. I found out it may take a few hours so I asked a friend to watch the other girls for me. Because she is only 3 she had to be sedated. We had a terrible time getting the IV in and the nurses took 3 tries before they got it in. Even thought Amy had numbing cream on both her hands, she still screamed and cried and then they tried her foot and finally got it in after two poked on her foot. The poor baby, it was awful, she and I both were in tears. Her and I both rode the gurney to the radiology lab and she was quickly over the trauma of the needle sticks and laughed every time she saw us in the mirrored sphere that is on the ceiling at every hall intersection of a hospital. I held her in my arms while they tried to inject some sedation. They gave her a little and she just kept laughing and talking. I figured it was not the sedation medicine yet because it seemed to have no effect. They gave her some more, and more and finally she drifted into a peaceful sleep. I had to sit in the MRI room with her they had her head straped down and her arms straped to her sides. I was praying that she would not wake up in there. I think it lasted an hour and a half, they pulled her out and she woke up and started laughing again and continued talking like nothing ever happened. We were at the hospital for 5 hours, we were both exhausted.
 They warned me that Amy would be very dizzy, in addition to that she hadn't eaten all day. So on the way home I saw her in the rear view mirror go through phases of sleepiness and dizziness. She kept groaning. I asked if she was ok and she said, "yeah". I asked if she was dizzy and she said, "no" I thought she didn't know what the word dizzy meant so I asked if she were sleepy and she said, "no". Then I asked if she felt heavy and she said "YES!"
 When we got home I carried her in and put her on the floor and went to make something to eat for her. I told her she could't walk very well but I don't think she believed me.She kept getting up to do something and she'd fall flat on her face again. She laughed and said, "Momma, I keep falling!" I said, I know baby, I want you to tell me when you are getting up so I can help you!" She didn't.

 I made chili for her and I put her in the chair at the table and she was very animated and talkative but her head kept bobbing. I was worried that she'd fall out of her chair. Her head would go down to the table and bounce up again. I kept asking if she were done eating and she'd say, "no, I like it! Ok...

 I finally put my foot down when I saw her head on the table and it was getting harder for her to lift it up again. I picked her up and put her to bed. She was asleep before I left the room.

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