
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Car Talk

Brent had this conversation with Karianne on the way to church today.

He was trying to get all the girls in their seatbelts. Karianne was taking her Build a Bear to church to show her friends. She wanted to put a seatbelt on the bear too. Brent said the Bear would be ok without a seatbelt.

Karianne:" but her heart might fall out if we get in an accident!"

Brent: "well she'll be ok, we can take her to Build a Bear and get her fixed again, but if you don't have your seatbelt and we get in and accident and your heart falls out then you could die!"

Karianne: "But then Jesus would fall out of my heart!!"

Brent: "No, he won't fall out of your heart, Jesus is always with you!"

Angie: "Jesus is EVERYWHERE!"

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