
Monday, February 16, 2009

orphan insights

This is from my friend Judy of Loving China's CHildren:

Right now seeing a lot of agencies advocating for the older children(which I
feel is so wonderful) I praise God for families opening up their hearts to
these older children. These children can still experiene the love of having a
family. I know having a "family" is so important in the Chinese culture.
A friend was telling me tonight about a social worker she knows who is in
China now adopting their 13 year son who will "age out" in a couple of months.
His best friend is also 13 and he was "not chosen" by a family. When the
boy being adopted was leaving the orphanage with his new parents his friend
was touching the windshield of their vehicle and he was crying.
I cannot imagine the pain for this child. I know he was happy for his friend
but knowing he doesn't have a family to love him must be so unbearable.
Friends, let us pray and advocate for all children needing families,
especially those who are about to "age out". Being adopted is a like a miracle to

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