
Monday, December 7, 2009

My kids amuse me...

Karianne and Amy playing hide-and-g0-seek: Amy" "count to 16, 17, 20 thousand!"
Karianne: "uh, ok I'll count to 18."

Angie held up six fingers, "momma how many is this?"
"ooh, you're getting very smart!" thank you Angie.

Angie sat next to me while I was reading a book. "how come you're not reading it?"
I said, "I am."
She said, "No you're not, you lips aren't saying any words!"

Introducing the girls to warm apple crisp with ice cream. Karianne says, "Dad you've got to try this!"

Karianne said, "since we're moving I guess I'll find someone else to marry."

Amy ( with her arms full of toys) said, "whoo, I sure have a lot to pack."

Karianne emptied out a pocket full of paper clips and staples and said, "I found these at school today so I brought them home."

Karianne who just turned 5: "I am such a busy woman!"

Me: Angie, let's play until your sisters are done. Angie: Play with scissors? ok!"

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