
Monday, December 15, 2008

Wild weather

We've had some crazy weather this weekend. It's been extremely windy, not to abnormal for around here but also very warm on Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday it was so nice, Karianne and Lucy went outside to play in the backyard. The wind was really blowing but it wasn't cold. Lucy loved the wind in her face in her little swing. I was outside barefoot pushing her in her swing. I went in the house and watched them from the window and a big gust of wind came up and Karianne ran inside screaming becuase the wind had scared her so bad. I laughed and told her it was just wind and sent her back out. about 10 minutes later I went back out to swing Lucy and I realized the tempuerature had REALLY dropped with that big wind and it was now chilly outside. I brought the girls inside and we watched the temperature drop. It went from over 60 degees to 40 degrees in less than an hour!
Our family went to Victory Christian Center Sunday evening to watch the live drama of the Nativity story. It was 27 degrees by then, just 3 hours after the girls had played outside! By the time we left the church, we were starting to get pelted by ice as we walked to the car. None of us liked that very much. We drove home in a full blown ice storm, lighting and ice. It was so loud hitting our car, I couldn't hear anything else.
We kept hoping it would change to snow, but no such luck. It is very cold here today, our roads are iced over and no snow. What's the fun in that?

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