
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Creepy Santa


   I love anything old. If you know anything about me, you know that. I couln't resist buying this giant old Santa at a church junk sale for $1. He is just about life size. He is coming out of a cardboard chimney with hands reaching out, he just kind of looks creepy. I also bought a child's recliner at the sale (for $5 thankyouverymuch) so the van was already full with 4 kids and a recliner. I held him in my lap in the passenger seat with the window down and had him wave at the cars we passed. Brent got tired of that pretty quick so next we stuffed the Santa behind the back seat and he was looming over Amy and Angie like something out of a horror movie about to snatch them.

 When I got him home, everyone begged me to hide him. For the next few days I had great fun hiding him for the single purpose of scaring Brent when he opened the closet, turned down the bed covers or went to the bathroom. I put him on the toilet seat in our little bitty closet bathroom in our bedroom and waited for Brent to scream. Somehow he managed not to use that bathroom for over 2 days and I got tired of scaring MYSELF every time I opened the door to use the bathroom, so I finally gave up and hid him somewhere else.

He's a great gag, but the family wants him gone. He's on ebay now if you want him: here

Hope you don't have nightmares.

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