
Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh the Cleverness of Me

Yesterday we had a high of 96 degrees here. We are one of the minority of houses around here with no backyard pool. Didn't want one with Lucy the Mischievous One. I got out the girls little inflatable pool. In the move we have lost the little cork that holds the air in the pool. It was a $30 pool, still good but useless without the cork. I went to a couple stores to see if maybe they sell replacement caps. None. I really didn't want to buy another pool for lack of a cap. I got a brilliant idea, if I say so myself. I went home and raided their toybox and came out with several rubber balls. I found one that was a good fit, and ta da! Cork.

Happy children.

Oh and Angie is not pictured because we were having swimsuit issues trying to find one that fit her. She was wearing one too big, I thought the one she wore last year was too small. I took her to the store today and had her try on a bunch of swimsuits. Turns out, she still wears the same size. So I took her home and put her back in a 18mo-2T swimsuit. Such a little bit!

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