
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A song for Song

I'm advocating for this child and ask you to please pray for him:

A Song for Song

On the
other side of the world sits a little boy named Song. He is an
orphan of China. He has cancer of the eye. Song needs the lullabies
of all the mothers of the world as he has no mother to sing to him.
He was without a mother when they removed his right eye. He is now
without a mother to fight for his life. Song needs you to sing his
song to the world.

Song was diagnosed with
retinoblastoma, a curable form of eye cancer
if diagnosed early. If left untreated,and if the proper medical
intervention doesn't occur, Song will most likely die.

So, I plead with you, I urge you to look into Song's beautiful face
and sing to him. Promise Song your voice, your donation, and give him
a chance at a mother's embrace. Give him a chance to retain his other
eye. Give him a chance to live. Your donation can save Song's life.
He needs you and he needs you now because early intervention is critical.

If you would like to read about this baby boy's need, and donate to
help him, please click on the following link:

http://www.lovewith outboundaries. com/SponsorMedic alChildDetail. cfm?child_ id=458&mc_ id=101

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