We are home now, the power is on and we're awaiting our next big storm, we are supposed to get a lot of snow tonight!
We went without power for several days and we left town on Wednesday and went to Branson for a mini vacation that we had actually planned for months now, it just happened to be a really good time to get out of town! It was very nice to get away from the mess and destruction for a while. All the trees around here are either damaged or down, it is so sad. A lot of Tulsa still does not have power, but we do and we were very greatful to return home to power.
We had a nice time in Branson. No snow or ice, still pretty cold though. We did go to one show that was a variety show with magic and a ventriloquist. The girls did very well sitting through it and seemed to enjoy it. They loved the "puppets" and the magic act had a lot of birds, Karianne said she liked the birds that man "made". We actually talked to the stars of the show quite a bit after the show when they came out to shake hands and sign autographs. They wanted to hear all about our adoption of Angie and Amy and I think we sparked a fire of interest and they are going to look into adopting. It was actually the second time yesterday that someone really wanted to talk to us at length about adopting. It is strange to me that we are advocating for adoption just by "being" our family. We don't have to introduce the topic, people are so interested or just curious they approach us and ask us about our family. There's a parallel to Christianity there somewhere...
Hope to finally get our dossier off to China by the end of the year.