
Sunday, July 15, 2012

We gotcha Jack!

We had a funny flight to Jack's province of Jiangxhi but I'll tell about that later, we got Jack!

Brent and  I were so nervous, more than we were for our other 2 adoptions. Knowing that he was in a loving foster home for the past 2 years and how heartbroken he and the family must be. Nervous because he is a boy, what do we do with a boy? What do we do if he pees in the street like the other kids here in China? Goofy, I know. :-)

Our guide doesn't speak very good English, a bit of a challenge. She told us she made an appointment for Jack to arrive at 4pm. We didn't know about that, we thought he'd be at the hotel when we arrived. We finally got settled in around 3:30 and our guide asked if we wanted to meet him in the room or in the lobby. We said the room. She left and said she'd bring him up when he got to the hotel. We sat around for about 10 minutes and we were going crazy, so decided to meet him in the lobby. We went down to the lobby and sat there with a bunch of people and decided to go back upstairs so people wouldn't stare at our special moment. We went back upstairs and waited some more. We waited for over an hour. Ack our nerves! We even got a knock on the door at one point and ran to set up the camera and realized it was just housekeeping bringing us a pink crib and pink bath stuff. Who adopts a boy right?
  Finally we hear several voices in the hall and a child crying. We knew it was Jack. We opened the door and saw the most beautiful child, ah makes me cry, he was crying so hard because he was so scared. Our translator came in our room with the orphanage director, an assistant director, a driver and a lady from True Children's Home with crying Jack in her arms. He was very distraught and wanted nothing to do with us and hid behind her the whole time. She explained obviously he was experiencing many changes and missed his foster family. We kept our distance as he was terrified of us. The lady from TCH showed him the album we had sent him with pictures of us his family to show him that we are his family. He kept putting the book back in the bag and when she kept taking it back out to show him, he tried to tear it up. She presented us with so many sweet gifts from True Children's and from the foster family. The family had bought a new outfit for him, TCH gave us a lifebook for him- so many sweet pictures of him! - and a quilt.They also gave us a special calligraphy brush made from his hair and engraved with his birthday. The lady from True that traveled with him to meet us had snacks and drinks packed for him and she offered him a sippy cup, a little can of some juice drink and a bottle of water.

 First the reps from the orphanage left (we will meet with the tomorrow to do the adoption paperwork) and finally while he was distracted at the window, the TCH lady left. I know it was so sad for her, she loved him, she was the foster home coordinator and visited his home once or twice a week over the past 2 years to check on him. He howled when he realized she was gone and packed up his sippy cup, juice and water bottle and tried to leave. Such a smart little guy!
 He spent the next hour and a half hiding behind a chair sitting in the window sill- hiding from us. We were going to go out to eat but he was too upset and howled when I tried to pick him up to put him in the stroller. Brent walked to a nearby KFC with our guide and brought back dinner. Our guide left.

 Jack had a 5 yaun note in his front shirt pocket, I'm guessing his foster family gave it to him for good luck. After he mostly stopped crying, he kept pulling it out and holding it to his ear to make imaginary phone calls to his foster parents to come get him. He's so cute! I remember Amy did the same thing. She cried, wouldn't let us touch her and then she started making imaginary phone calls to her foster family to come get her from these dumb people that can't even understand her.
 He still hasn't let us touch him. I tried to pull off his shoes and he screamed and put them back on and glared at me like, "So! whatcha gonna do about that!?" Brent made him laugh a little when he put fries up his nose. I set a hersey kiss by his dinner and he perked up and pointed at it and said something. I said, "yes you can have it honey." He grabbed it and dashed off to the bathroom. Confused we followed him. He unwrapped it and threw it in the toilet, foil and all. ??? He thought it was poo?? Won't be wasting my precious chocolate on him again any time soon. He repeatedly grabs his cup, juice and water and heads to the door jabbering at us. I'm sure it's something like, "well it's been fun guys but I really need to go back to my family now, it's getting late, just open the door ok?"

Right now he's dosing in a chair. I think we're going to have to wait til he's deep asleep to move him to a bed so he doesn't scream because we touched him.

Oh he's so adorable. So smart, so cute. And he's ours!

Pray for him as he moves through a grieving process of leaving that wonderful family that loved him so well. They wrote a letter to us that was included in the scrapbook. They love him and said it's like losing a son to have his little ray of sunshine leave their home. Beautiful people. Thank you Lord for these sweet family and ease their grieving hearts as well.


Anonymous said...

so happy for you all I'm crying!!! And now my makeup for church is a mess... Oh well. =) Congrats Peaks!

-Renee Ski.

Unknown said...

Oh Karen, I'm in tears as I read your post. Tears for his grieving and fear...tears of joy that your boy is finally with you...tears for his foster family...ahhhhh, I guess it just brings all those crazy, mixed emotions right back.

He is absolutely wonderful! I am praying fervently for you guys!!!! HUGS mama and congratulations!!!!

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

my heat and prayers are with yall! I can't even fathom what he is going through, and yall too. I remember with or Noah who was in an orpahange he was soo scared! He did not have the bond of the foster family, but he had all he had ever known. One room and a crib. He lost every sight, sound, smell, taste, everything he had ever known. When he finally fell asleep that first day I cried and cried and told Bobby, what have we done to him, we have hurt him so badly, and Bobby said, no we are giving him life and a future. It was so hard so I KNOW what you are going through and I so wish I could jump through the screen and hug you! The added grief of the fact he had a foster mommy to be connected to I a sure makes it even harder on you all. I am so bathing you in prayer and can't wait to see some family pictures when he learns what an amazing mommy and daddy he has now and that Love will just keep getting better.

Marilyn Mullen said...

YES, Lucy has met her match!!!!! Again, Karin, what great verbiage and awesome pictures. He is going to love his new family at home and at church! I can't wait to meet him.
Aunt Marilyn