
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our favorite getaway, Sedona

We packed in one more family outing before Brent and I leave for China. Brent's sister and step mom came in from Florida to stay with our kids while we're gone and we wanted to show them a bit of our beautiful state before they settle in to babysitting.

We went to Sedona and escaped the the 112 degree high of Phoenix for temps in the 80s in Sedona just and hour and a half north of Phoenix. We stopped off at Montezuma's Castle, some very neat Indian ruins built in to the side of a mountain. And then we picnicked at Montezuma's Well. The well is a huge deep pool made when the ground collapsed into an underground spring. The Indians used it hundreds of years ago to build a vast irrigation system for them to farm the land. We ate near a one of those irrigation canals with water still running through it that was still actually used for a community garden. The water was so clean! the girls had fun wading in the water and looking for tiny clams.

After lunch,  we took them on our favorite trail, Westfork. I've never seen it so overgrown and lush. Always a treat to do this trail and it didn't disappoint.

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