
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day in a group home

Like many other people, Mother's Day is one of those days on the calendar that I just survive. Not my favorite day.

I used to make sure I was volunteering in children's ministry on this day so I didn't have to hear another sermon about mothers and how wonderful it all is. I'm so grateful to be attending a church now that doesn't make a big deal out of Mother's day except to give all women that day get a piece of chocolate and a rose at the doors of the church.

Today, I sat with the kids in the group homes in church today and was again grateful for the non emphasis on Mother's Day as I know it's a difficult day for them as well.

One little six year old girl from one of the homes wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big squeeze and told me Happy Mother's day. I know she wished she could be giving that hug to her own mother.

I encouraged the kids to get a rose before leaving. One girl was pretty excited about getting her rose. Her house manager told me that they were planning on stopping by the cemetery on the way back from church so she could put a rock on the grave of her mother. That rose was so special to her, now she could put a rose on her mother's grave.

My family took one of the girls from the home out to lunch and when we took her back to the home afterwords  the house manager told me one of the girls had run away from the home just a few minutes before I got there. When a kid runs away from the home, the house manager doesn't chase after them, they can't leave the other kids, all they can do is call the police and ask them to look for the child. I found her not very far down the road and walked with her. I just listened to her cry and tell her sad story. She was upset because she wanted to call her aunt and wish her a happy Mother's Day and tell her she loved her. But her aunt had specified that she was only allowed to call her twice a month and she had already used up her two calls this month. So heartbreaking. Eventually she did go back to the home.

Those kids had such a hard day today. My heart breaks for them.

Looking forward to the day- "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the olde order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4

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