
Sunday, September 20, 2009


The girls had a bunch of one liners that kept me in stitches today.

Angie told Amy before church, "Amy you're a princess, don't show anyone your underwear!"

On the way to church, Amy and Angie were in the back row singing at the top of their lungs. Karianne kept calling them and they wouldn't answer. Karianne beseeched me to help her get their attention. I asked them to be nice and answer their sister. Angie called back to my, "Aw, she's just going to say the same thing again!" Karianne told them quickly before she lost their attention again that she was the boss musketeer. Angie and Amy went back to singing and Karianne pouted again that they were ignoring her. I said, "well maybe they don't want you to be the boss." She said with very hurt feelings, "I was just pretending to be the boss!"

After church Amy had a little boo boo next to her eye. She anounced that her eye hurt when someone stepped on her. I said, "why did your eye hurt when someone stepped on you?" She said, "Because I was laying down!"


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