Hope "Day 12" is right, starting to lose track and we can't actually see our blog site, we can only post to it. So forgive me if my counting is off.
Today we visited the Toy market and the Children’s market in the morning. The toy market was streets and streets of toys, it got a little redundant after a while. The Children’s Park was near the Toy Market. It was nice, it’s a small amusement park with kiddie rides for the kids. We walked through but didn’t do any of the rides because it was starting to rain. We did McDonalds for lunch. Amy is getting used to her Chicken Nugget meal with soy sauce.
After lunch Amy had her medical exam. She tried to be patient with the Dr. but he just poked her too much so he wasn’t her friend anymore.
We got our paperwork in order for our consulate appointment tomorrow and we were surprised by some expensive fees that we weren’t expecting. That hurt a little!
We spent the rest of the afternoon walking pedestrian street, no cars allowed. It looks like a mini Los Vegas at night so many lights! We ate dinner at Papa John’s. It was an empty sit down restaurant that was more of an Italian dining than fast food pizza, very expensive. Judging from the empty seats it is not as popular as McDonalds here. Amy liked her first pizza. She watched us dip our crusts in the garlic butter and did the same. She really warmed up to Brent today. We taught her to blow kisses yesterday and she had kisses for everyone.
On the way home from the restaurant we ended up on a small street of food vendors. Fried Squid legs, Chickens with heads still intact, boiled scorpion and bugs! Brent asked to take a picture of the scorpion and while he was doing that they were pushing the beetles on a stick on me because it is “good for the baby”! ewww, no thank you!
Favorite shirt of the day: “I Always Tooseye!” Saw it in a mall next to a store called ‘obese’. Don’t you wish you could tell them that is not a cool name like they think it is? Oh remember the Nightmare before Christmas shorts I saw? Saw the store in the mall today that was actually called, “Nightmare Before Christmas” and they sold all sorts of clothing that just had that logo on it, still not sure why that would be a hot item.
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